Stop suffering and learn strategies to stop emotional abuse fast!
You don't have to fight alone anymore...

Nora is a coach expert in fighting emotional abuse in couples
You need to have answers to your suffering:
Why is he hurting me?
What is the purpose of him humiliating me in public?
Does he gets any satisfaction watching me suffering?
How come I am in this horrible situation, even apart from friends and relatives who could help me?
Why I'm covering up his abuse?
You need someone who has survived abuse and reconstructed her own life!
We share the shock, the pain and hurt at discovering that the person we have chosen to love us, has satisfaction at abusing us. It's an horrible situation and you can get confused for some time about what to do...
I know where you are and know how to get you out of abuse, reinforce your self-esteem and foster your right to a life with respect and love.

My Aha! Moment
I don't remember exactly what day it was... I had been reading a subject I was very interested in, and wrote two pages about my ideas. The exhilaration of being able to think, and go ahead of what I read to generate more ideas was intoxicating... Happy and radiant, I shared my new discoveries with him. His face convulsed, he informed me that my ideas were so stupid they didn't deserve any comments from him. I shut down, all the joy gone.
Several days later, at a party with his work colleagues and wives, I could hear him explaining my own ideas as his to his friends! They were listening to him attentively, and he was secure and firm as the "author"...
To my dismay, I had to realize that he was controlling my thinking only for his own profit... Hard to accept such behavior. Why did he treat me so harshly? Looking back, I could see that there was no recognition of me and my brain, or my work at home ever... Such a pain had me crying in the bathroom, but I could never forget this information about my marriage. From that day on, it was finished.
Why does my coaching work?
Because I have the knowledge (by my studies plus 30 years experience), together with the personal passion to rescue women from abusive situations and empower them to get back their lives and flourish.
Having the opportunity to talk to Nora and hire her as my coach has been strikingly important not only to grow, but to be able to avoid paralysis and self-destruction. She supported me in designing a new plan for my life, including respect and appreciation as I always dreamed to enjoy. I have a life plan to follow now!

Benefits of working with Dr. Nora as a coach
Fast mapping of your situation
Giving you behavioral tools to apply today
Constant access by phone or chat
Follow up with checking after one month, three months and a year.
Frequently Asked Questions