Hi, I'm Nora Femenia, a best-selling author, personal coach and relationship expert. As you, I've grown up dealing with emotional abuse myself, and it's because of my own struggles that I have become first a psychotherapist, and years later a PhD in Conflict Resolution.

In the course of my professional career I have helped many women with their stories of humiliation, helping them to see through their mental confusion, induced by their abuser, by which they ended up blaming themselves and thus worsening the abuse received.
But always, regardless of the depth of the abuse, I saw a real person hidden inside, dreaming of an abuse-free relationship -- one of trust, love, and intimacy. We all want to develop ourselves, find our life mission and live a good life of meaning and happiness. I know this, because this inner wish kept me alive along the worst period of my life, when I was under relationship abuse hell...
If this is you, I’m calling the person inside you, where you are hidden, hoping for a way to emerge from abuse and learn to be happy again!
This is How Emotional Abuse Attacks
Your Sense of Self
You have lived for years under the confusing behavior from your abuser. Brutal verbal attacks are mixed so often with some soft romantic words that you were constantly left in a fog. Didn't it seem sometimes like your strongest emotion was fear, but at other times love? What about that terrifying mix of both, like living with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, that made you feel scared and alone?
Perhaps you are still waiting for the guy you fell in love with, years ago, who was caring and attentive? If so, he can use some gentle words mixed in the abuse, as to keep you waiting... Or, perhaps at this moment you are ready to recover yourself?
There is a delicate balance between wanting to defend yourself, recovering some of your self-respect, and the fear that he could escalate the abuse doled to you, in order to keep you quiet... Sadly, the situation will only get worst, if you don’t take a step towards recovery... and you need some external help to really escape abuse and be your own person!
Abuse? Who Said Abuse?
I know what you are going through... with your husband having a sudden anger attack, about a silly, banal discussion... You were talking with him and BAM! His explosion of bad words, when he yelled at you his worst insults has left you shaken and scared. Is this the first time he abuses you with this show of full anger? It’s terrifying to watch this transformation!
The first time it happened to me, I could not reconcile this wrathful man with the guy I had married... that was the worst part! Where from this horrible guy full of anger had appeared in my home?
Perhaps watching me petrified by fear stopped his show... and he went back to the normal guy I knew, using softer words. He tried to explain that his behavior was a normal reaction, due to me "provoking him"... but nothing was the same as before. I tried to reduce this violent episode to something that was caused by his being tired by his work, or some other reason that made this episode more normal. And we never talked about it again.
But you know what follows, right? He did it again, and again, up to the moment in which I was never sure what to do to not provoke him or his nasty words trashing me and all my ideas. I began walking on eggshells, because so afraid of his constant abuse. This later time, with no excuses whatsoever, because "that was the way he was..."
Denying that abuse happened, trying to see it as a "normal reaction, because of his job stress" or forgetting that it really happened were my ways of dealing with emotional abuse then. And of course, nothing worked, because abuse continued happening to me.
Now, this was my new "normal." And my daily life was becoming a living hell, because I didn’t know how to stop his abuse!

Emotional Abuse is All About "Control"
Once your abuser controls you, he is satisfied feeling powerful,
and by himself doesn’t want to release you... even if he sees you in pain!
It’s important that you decide NOW to recover your own life, making the decision that you want to be in a healthier relationship. After you make this internal decision to respect yourself regardless the abuse, your partner will have to make a choice – either change the behaviors or risk losing you.
Once you reclaim your personal power, and your dignity, you give him a chance to either be the person who entered into a relationship with you, years ago, or to know that there is a price to pay for abusing you?
You do not have to struggle with this alone!
Today, with this new program you won't just have the power to escape abuse – you will learn to defend yourself against it by becoming a self-loving, centered and happy woman and human being. Your first step now is to gather your courage, and with our support make the best decision for yourself and your family,
Leaving abuse behind, and living an amazing life despite it, is not easy. But lots of women have found the courage to do exactly that, by discovering their own power to stand up to humiliating and denigrating behaviors, by remembering how valuable they are, and by defining their own lives and projects by themselves.
Abuse Always Escalates!
"I loved him so much and couldn’t see his ways of confusing me, but he always blamed my behavior and made me feel guilty after each fight."
At first, he would make ironic jokes about me to his friends; they would always laugh at me, saying I would poison them all with my "lousy cooking." Then, when I complained about their jokes, he got furious and began yelling at me! He said that I was trying to cut him off from his friends. From that day on, the sarcastic and negative comments began. He humiliates me and screams at me for the littlest things, whether other people are present or not. Whatever I do to please him, it has no impact on his reactions to me. When he gets totally mad at me, he can be silent for weeks, and I feel desperate and lost.
I have nobody to talk to...There are no relatives or friends around me, because he has managed to alienate me from the people I love."
"I was so humiliated by his disdain, silence and sarcastic words that I avoided going anywhere with him. Confined to my home, I was slowly dying inside... a major depression took hold of me and at the hospital, a kind doctor managed to ask: what is hurting you so much? when I answered with my story, she said: here is the reason for your depression... perhaps leaving him will improve your life? that gave me permission to plan for life changes.... I left him, and with a lot of fear, began living by myself.
The Overcoming Emotional Abuse Course

This is your complete guide to a new life.
In this course you'll learn to be alert and recognize the covert emotional abuse tactics used by your partner, and learn and use the strategies to balance them and make them lose their potential to hurt you, and finally develop a safe but effective plan to end the abuse. You’ll discover mind shifts and life-changing strategies that you can begin practicing right away.
You don’t need to feel paralyzed any longer.
You are going to be thrilled with this program, because you can – FINALLY – use a tested solution that works!
The ultimate plan to a fulfilling life
When you sign up for the course, you will get:

The Ultimate Plan To a Fulfilling Life:
1. Your One-to-one 30 Minutes Orientation Call
As a victim of emotional abuse you are scared to trust anyone to help you to change your situation. This is why we require you to take this one-to-one orientation session with Coach Nora, to check your personal situation, and work out together what the best path is for you.

Since our talk I have been feeling much better about myself!
I am still in a daze. After my last post I received an email from Coach Nora asking to talk with me and then I received the phone call from her. Nora, since our talk I have been feeling much better about myself and I have been contemplating everything you said to me.
I am so grateful you reached out to me... I will never forget your kindness and your advice for my situation. I think it will take me a long time to try and implement the steps but I will do my best as I know deep in my heart that is what I must do. It will feel very abnormal to me, because I'm so used to be abused...you can see how I desperately want to find myself, who I am.
I realized many years ago that he is afraid I will leave him but still that doesn’t get him to think of any solutions to improve our marriage. If only he would wake up really wake up. As Nora said to me I can’t change him and it’s no use trying to hold him accountable for his actions because he won’t acknowledge them. I can only work on making myself happy and start enjoying my life.
Thank you Nora, and I will keep connected with you as I feel I have finally found a lifeline to hope. I am worn out from feeling hopeless and at a dead end. No more of that, hopefully in my life!" Lisa
2. Instant Access to the Full Training
Although each case is different, emotional abuse follows a certain pattern or aspects. This lessons will expose them, allowing you to recognize the signs as they unfold, allowing your to react before it’s too late. This will build a strong defenses against future abuses.
These Are The 7 Chapters of the Course:
- What Healthy Relationships are made of
- Framing Abuse As Control
- The Price You Pay being Abused
- Do You Fight or Do you Leave?
- Recovering Your Best Self
- Fulfilling Your Life Mission
- Your New, Abuse-free Life Design
Each chapter is concise and can be read in a few minutes, you can read them while traveling, or at lunch breaks, making it easier for you to adapt this training to your own busy schedule. You only need a device connected to the internet, to follow this course. Also, you need to use your cell phone or Skype to talk with your Coach!
3. Access to Evaluation Surveys and Discussion Threads
The information in the chapters is really powerful, but to operate real change in your life you have to reflect this information into your own particular situation. This exercises will guide you on the process of discovering areas where you can apply changes. This exercise or surveys will be used (in an anonymous way) in the discussion threads. Here you will be able to ask questions and receive feedback from Nora and the rest of the participants.
How Coach Nora Rescued my Life from Abuse
"I left my boyfriend once before because I was emotionally and physically abused. And then, he came back in my life...with sweet words. And again he had the same way of treating me than before: demanding, insulting, not sharing anything with me, but expecting me to report everything to him. What happened to me this second time is that I was so confuse, blaming myself for allowing him back... I could not think clearly, and began believing that he was the only man that could pay attention to me...
Then I found Nora's site about abuse and wrote to her.
Imagine my situation: I was living too far from a counseling center, short on money to afford counseling help, and worst of all, I was too scared of what might happen if I were to move out of the house and leave him...I was paralyzed imagining he would turn more violent towards me...but Nora answered my email and offered her phone coaching, beginning now.
When talking with Nora, she saw first that I was feeling so unworthy, so unlovable, that I imagined nobody would accept or love me. Her first step was to reinforce my self-image. She gave me homework to do: a mantra to repeat every day. I needed to write on a piece of paper this phrase, and read it several times a day...:
My first weeks were hard, because I insisted on seeing only my broken image, exactly as worthless as he said I was...Slowly I could replace his words in my brain with the mantra, and it began making me feel secure of myself, and able to make my own decisions...Big Change!
Then I had to change my perception that I deserved abuse, and begin seeing that his own insecurity was making him behave as a controller...He was afraid I would leave him! finally he got exactly that. One morning last January I was feeling so at peace with myself, like a voice inside was telling me: "You don't have to put up with this abuse a minute longer!" All was clear for me at that moment, like I was a new person and I looked around and began to imagine my escape plan. Nora was there at that moment, helping me design the new life I want and am now creating for myself. Takes effort to defeat each negative self-perception, but I'm becoming a master at replacing them with my own positive and appreciative phrases. Looking back, having the support of a Coach made all the difference and saved me too many months of anguish and hurt."
4. Graduation Day Call
With you "shield" against emotional abuse ready, now it’s time to look forward into your life and consolidate your defenses, building a stronger "you". At the end of the program you will schedule a 30 minutes call with Coach Nora, to review your progress, celebrate milestones achieved and plan your future life objectives.
You will have an honest review of your progress so far, and the challenges ahead so you can start building a future without the pains of feeling emotionally controlled.

5. Lifetime Access To The Site and Materials
We all need to go back to the basics from time to time that is why we will make sure that you can always access the materials and count with the support of the other members. You can write to them, have necessary chats and receive support from them.

6. Emergency Calls with Coach Nora at a very special price
Things don’t always go as planned, and sometimes we have to deal with unforeseen crisis situations. But we have you covered with our special plans for members, with up to 50% discount on the flat fee, where you can have have have a short, up to the point coaching session that can help you to deal with your particular situation.

Get access right now for only $37!
Every day you spent suffering in your relationship, is another blow to your self-esteem. For a single payment of $37 (no recurring fees, lifetime access!) you can start reclaiming your life now!
Overcoming Emotional Abuse is a single payment Course. When you click the button, you will be taken to a new page to finalize your purchase. After you enter your PayPal information and submit your payment, your account will be activated and you will have access to the training in the next few minutes.
Click the button below to get access to the Overcoming Emotional Abuse Course right now.
It's time to reclaim your life!

Overcoming Emotional Abuse is a single payment Course. When you click the button, you will be taken to a new page to finalize your purchase. After you enter your PayPal information and submit your payment, your account will be activated and you will have access to the training in the next few minutes.
Your registration comes with a 30-day "No Questions Asked" Priority Guarantee. If you can't complete this system within the next 30 days, I demand you fire me from your business and you get your refund.
But I'm confident you'll stay in, you'll implement our systems, and you'll send us a testimonial telling us how much more you've accomplished after finding us, taking our course and received personalized coaching!